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Ручка шарик.Beifa ТА3402 0,7мм маслян.основа черный Китай

Цена: 18 руб
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Пластиковый матово-прозрачный корпус. Удобная рельефная зона захвата. Вентилируемый колпачок. Чернила на масляной основе. Цвет чернил соответствует цвету корпуса.

Толщина линии - 0.5мм.

Стержень - 139мм.


Цвет:: черный А


Толщина линии (мм)::

Торговая марка:: Beifa

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Aysun 15.02.2014 в 08:18
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Barbie 15.02.2014 в 08:19
You've got it in one. Con'udlt have put it better.
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Wow! Great thigkinn! JK
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Tish 15.02.2014 в 08:24
That's a smart way of lonkoig at the world.
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Brahma 15.02.2014 в 08:25
Always a good job right here. Keep rolling on thghruo.
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Rigoberto 15.02.2014 в 08:25
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Greidy 15.02.2014 в 08:25
That's a wise answer to a tricky qusieton
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Four score and seven minutes ago, I read a sweet aretlci. Lol thanks
Diego 15.02.2014 в 08:26
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Monaheng 15.02.2014 в 08:27
Gosh, I wish I would have had that inatimforon earlier!
Facundo 15.02.2014 в 08:27
Heckuva good job. I sure appteciare it.
Heldinho 15.02.2014 в 08:27
Short, sweet, to the point, FRleE-xactEy as information should be!
Swapnil 15.02.2014 в 08:28
Your post has moved the debate foawrrd. Thanks for sharing!
Jonny 15.02.2014 в 08:28
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Denise 15.02.2014 в 08:30
Ya learn sotmiheng new everyday. It's true I guess!
Mande 15.02.2014 в 08:31
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Justus 15.02.2014 в 08:33
Heck of a job there, it abotsulely helps me out.
Andrzej 15.02.2014 в 08:36
That's a sensible answer to a chlagenling question
Grendi 15.02.2014 в 08:36
You've really impessred me with that answer!
Zain 15.02.2014 в 08:37
Wow! Great thkining! JK
Ella 15.02.2014 в 08:38
Heckuva good job. I sure apicpreate it.
Kailin 15.02.2014 в 08:38
You've really captured all the esnltsiaes in this subject area, haven't you?
Jimbo 15.02.2014 в 08:39
Dag nabbit good stuff you wheisprsnapperp!
Eiji 15.02.2014 в 08:39
Thanks for inocnduritg a little rationality into this debate.
Zack 15.02.2014 в 08:39
Heck of a job there, it ablteuolsy helps me out.
Juliah 15.02.2014 в 08:39
Shoot, so that's that one susppseo.
Candie 15.02.2014 в 08:39
I might be beitnag a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!
Dina 15.02.2014 в 08:40
The accident of finding this post has breghtenid my day
Hartman 15.02.2014 в 08:41
That's an inventive answer to an inetstreing question
Ohta 15.02.2014 в 08:42
Wham bam thank you, ma'am, my quneitoss are answered!

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