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Ручка шарик.Beifa ТА3402 0,7мм маслян.основа черный Китай

Цена: 18 руб
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Пластиковый матово-прозрачный корпус. Удобная рельефная зона захвата. Вентилируемый колпачок. Чернила на масляной основе. Цвет чернил соответствует цвету корпуса.

Толщина линии - 0.5мм.

Стержень - 139мм.


Цвет:: черный А


Толщина линии (мм)::

Торговая марка:: Beifa

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Derek 14.02.2014 в 07:58
If only there were more clveer people like you!
King 14.02.2014 в 08:00
This is just the pefecrt answer for all forum members
Abdoalbagi 14.02.2014 в 08:00
I am totally wowed and prpreead to take the next step now.
Kohla 14.02.2014 в 08:01
Aptlrenpay this is what the esteemed Willis was talkin' 'bout.
Adi 14.02.2014 в 08:02
This is what we need - an insight to make eveynore think
Open 14.02.2014 в 08:02
Thanks alot - your answer solved all my problems after several days stggurling
Ramon 14.02.2014 в 08:03
Hot damn, lokinog pretty useful buddy.
Kamron 14.02.2014 в 08:03
Superbly ilinulnatimg data here, thanks!
Andrea 14.02.2014 в 08:03
Just do me a favor and keep writing such trhcneant analyses, OK?
Albert 14.02.2014 в 08:03
Supsiirrngly well-written and informative for a free online article.
Wipha 14.02.2014 в 08:04
A prtavcvoioe insight! Just what we need!
Ananda 14.02.2014 в 08:05
More posts of this quaytil. Not the usual c***, please
Dashure 14.02.2014 в 08:06
A bit suirrpsed it seems to simple and yet useful.
Dulce 14.02.2014 в 08:07
That's a smart way of thnniikg about it.
Lelonk 14.02.2014 в 08:07
It's great to read something that's both enjoyable and provides prtimaagsdc solutions.
Hager 14.02.2014 в 08:08
Kick the tires and light the fires, problem ofcfaiilly solved!
Danielle 14.02.2014 в 08:09
Now I know who the brainy one is, I'll keep lonikog for your posts.
Ramu 14.02.2014 в 08:09
There are no words to describe how boauoicds this is.
Ruben 14.02.2014 в 08:09
Super extecid to see more of this kind of stuff online.
David 14.02.2014 в 08:10
Brliliance for free; your parents must be a sweetheart and a certified genius.
Sheli 14.02.2014 в 08:11
Your website has to be the eltnreocic Swiss army knife for this topic.
Paulina 14.02.2014 в 08:11
I like to party, not look arcitles up online. You made it happen.
John 14.02.2014 в 08:12
Thnkas for taking the time to post. It's lifted the level of debate
Papi 14.02.2014 в 08:12
That's not just the best ansrwe. It's the bestest answer!
Lee 14.02.2014 в 08:12
Too many conleimpmts too little space, thanks!
Lada 14.02.2014 в 08:13
I really apaercipte free, succinct, reliable data like this.
Lucka 14.02.2014 в 08:14
That's an ineuniogs way of thinking about it.
Lucas 14.02.2014 в 08:16
I don't even know what to say, this made things so much easrei!
Carley 14.02.2014 в 08:16
You've captured this pecterfly. Thanks for taking the time!
Wilhelmina 14.02.2014 в 08:16
I'm shckoed that I found this info so easily.
Patricio 14.02.2014 в 08:17
Kudos to you! I hadn't thohugt of that!
Ahmed 14.02.2014 в 08:17
BION I'm imrsepsed! Cool post!
Manuela 14.02.2014 в 08:18
HHIS I should have thuohgt of that!
Jaylan 14.02.2014 в 08:18
There's a secret about your post. ICHTYTIBTKY
Marius 14.02.2014 в 08:19
I liaeltlry jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!
Michael 14.02.2014 в 08:20
So excited I found this article as it made things much qukcrei!
Ali 14.02.2014 в 08:20
I will be putting this dazznilg insight to good use in no time.
Jetsin 14.02.2014 в 08:21
You codl'nut pay me to ignore these posts!
Kurmi 14.02.2014 в 08:22
I reockn you are quite dead on with that.
Mohd 14.02.2014 в 08:22
Reading posts like this make surfing such a plsuaere
Brandon 14.02.2014 в 08:23
It's great to find somonee so on the ball
Wafia 14.02.2014 в 08:23
Thanks for your thoguhts. It's helped me a lot.
Kaung 14.02.2014 в 08:23
Thanks for writing such an eaydsto-unser-tand article on this topic.
Arii 14.02.2014 в 08:24
It's spooky how clever some ppl are. Thsank!
Lisandro 14.02.2014 в 08:24
You're the one with the brains here. I'm wantihcg for your posts.
Henry 14.02.2014 в 08:25
That kind of thikinng shows you're on top of your game
Jose 14.02.2014 в 08:25
My prebolm was a wall until I read this, then I smashed it.
Alex 14.02.2014 в 08:28
Until I found this I thohugt I'd have to spend the day inside.
Tobi 14.02.2014 в 08:32
That's an expert answer to an instieterng question
Cipta 14.02.2014 в 08:34
Good job manikg it appear easy.

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