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Ручка шарик.Beifa ТА3402 0,7мм маслян.основа черный Китай

Цена: 18 руб
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Пластиковый матово-прозрачный корпус. Удобная рельефная зона захвата. Вентилируемый колпачок. Чернила на масляной основе. Цвет чернил соответствует цвету корпуса.

Толщина линии - 0.5мм.

Стержень - 139мм.


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Торговая марка:: Beifa

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Yago 15.02.2014 в 20:39
Thanks for inudirtcong a little rationality into this debate.
Wouter 15.02.2014 в 20:39
Free info like this is an apple from the tree of knleowdge. Sinful?
Gopal 15.02.2014 в 20:39
Well done to think of soitnhmeg like that
Ammakoko 15.02.2014 в 20:40
Last one to utziile this is a rotten egg!
Ahmed 15.02.2014 в 20:40
Great inhsgit. Relieved I'm on the same side as you.
Michelle 15.02.2014 в 20:40
Free info like this is an apple from the tree of kngeowdle. Sinful?
Rachel 15.02.2014 в 20:40
It's a relief to find somneoe who can explain things so well
Egy 15.02.2014 в 20:40
The abiltiy to think like that shows you're an expert
Raf 15.02.2014 в 20:42
Time to face the music armed with this great inmftoarion.
Resty 15.02.2014 в 20:42
Your post has moved the debate fordarw. Thanks for sharing!
Ahmet 15.02.2014 в 20:43
Short, sweet, to the point, FRaElexEct-y as information should be!
Mohd 15.02.2014 в 20:45
Ya learn soinhtmeg new everyday. It's true I guess!
Pintu 15.02.2014 в 20:46
Kudos to you! I hadn't thghuot of that!
Torsten 15.02.2014 в 20:46
I want to send you an award for most helpful innetret writer.
Alrizoel 15.02.2014 в 20:48
The accident of finding this post has brehntegid my day
Sara 15.02.2014 в 20:49
Haahahha. I'm not too bright today. Great post!
Wilkinsons 15.02.2014 в 20:49
I might be beiatng a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!
Muskan 15.02.2014 в 20:49
Stellar work there evenyore. I'll keep on reading.
Sonali 15.02.2014 в 20:50
This has made my day. I wish all poingtss were this good.
Santana 15.02.2014 в 20:50
Smcak-dab what I was looking for-ty!
Catherine 15.02.2014 в 20:52
This does look prsoiming. I'll keep coming back for more.
NengZhejolly 15.02.2014 в 20:53
You're the gresteat! JMHO
Dor 15.02.2014 в 20:53
I'm grufteal you made the post. It's cleared the air for me.
Koung 15.02.2014 в 20:53
Tha'ts going to make things a lot easier from here on out.
Silva 15.02.2014 в 20:54
Weeeee, what a quick and easy sointlou.
Pamela 15.02.2014 в 20:54
That really cateprus the spirit of it. Thanks for posting.
Anna 15.02.2014 в 20:55
You're the greaetst! JMHO
Ruben 15.02.2014 в 20:55
Haha. I woke up down today. You've chereed me up!
Eterlei 15.02.2014 в 20:56
That takes us up to the next level. Great poisgnt.
Vania 15.02.2014 в 20:56
I hate my life but at least this makes it beerbala.
Geralda 15.02.2014 в 20:56
It's imevartipe that more people make this exact point.
Juned 15.02.2014 в 20:56
This is the ideal answer. Evenoyre should read this
Dylan 15.02.2014 в 20:56
We deitlfieny need more smart people like you around.
Rekha 15.02.2014 в 20:56
I apaepcirte you taking to time to contribute That's very helpful.
Ezequiela 15.02.2014 в 20:56
There's a secret about your post. ICTKITBHTYY
Armando 15.02.2014 в 20:56
More posts of this qulayti. Not the usual c***, please
Aya 15.02.2014 в 20:57
Heck yeah babe-ye keep them coming!
Irwan 15.02.2014 в 20:58
Hey, kiellr job on that one you guys!
Ratna 15.02.2014 в 20:58
I thhgout finding this would be so arduous but it's a breeze!
Kalaken 15.02.2014 в 20:59
Check that off the list of things I was coseunfd about.
Mia 15.02.2014 в 20:59
Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good inmtrfaoion.
Ritu 15.02.2014 в 20:59
This is a really inentligelt way to answer the question.
AkOh 15.02.2014 в 20:59
Could you write about Phcyiss so I can pass Science class?
Navkiran 15.02.2014 в 20:59
I have exactly what info I want. Check, please. Wait, it's free? Aweemos!
Silvia 15.02.2014 в 21:00
This poisntg knocked my socks off
Koba 15.02.2014 в 21:00
This is a neat surmyma. Thanks for sharing!
Trueman 15.02.2014 в 21:01
Good to find an expert who knows what he's taknlig about!
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