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Ручка шарик.Beifa ТА3402 0,7мм маслян.основа черный Китай

Цена: 18 руб
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Пластиковый матово-прозрачный корпус. Удобная рельефная зона захвата. Вентилируемый колпачок. Чернила на масляной основе. Цвет чернил соответствует цвету корпуса.

Толщина линии - 0.5мм.

Стержень - 139мм.


Цвет:: черный А


Толщина линии (мм)::

Торговая марка:: Beifa

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Hau 16.02.2014 в 02:44
Ho ho, who wodula thunk it, right?
Mehmet 16.02.2014 в 02:44
Wow! Great to find a post knionckg my socks off!
Deayide 16.02.2014 в 02:45
Now I'm like, well duh! Truly thuafknl for your help.
Jonas 16.02.2014 в 02:46
I read your post and wieshd I was good enough to write it
Ilmira 16.02.2014 в 02:47
Yup, that'll do it. You have my apctepiarion.
Egor 16.02.2014 в 02:48
Stay with this guys, you're helipng a lot of people.
Anzii 16.02.2014 в 02:48
Ab fab my goldoy man.
Evanio 16.02.2014 в 02:49
Grade A stuff. I'm unqnostieuably in your debt.
Gustavo 16.02.2014 в 02:50
Thanky Thanky for all this good inaiomftorn!
Yamir 16.02.2014 в 02:50
That's really shdwre! Good to see the logic set out so well.
Salami 16.02.2014 в 02:51
At last some ratlinaoity in our little debate.
Ishaan 16.02.2014 в 02:52
I've been loonikg for a post like this forever (and a day)
Arhat 16.02.2014 в 02:52
I was struck by the hoentsy of your posting
Rehaan 16.02.2014 в 02:52
That's an apt answer to an inrniestteg question
Takanori 16.02.2014 в 02:53
Perefct shot! Thanks for your post!
Joe 16.02.2014 в 02:53
I thank you humbly for shanirg your wisdom JJWY
Osama 16.02.2014 в 02:53
Action requires kndolewge, and now I can act!
Alexandra 16.02.2014 в 02:54
One or two to rembreem, that is.
Aydz 16.02.2014 в 02:54
Gee whiz, and I thuoght this would be hard to find out.
Solanyi 16.02.2014 в 02:56
I told my grdtamonher how you helped. She said, "bake them a cake!"
Sumit 16.02.2014 в 02:56
IMHO you've got the right anwser!
Sarita 16.02.2014 в 02:58
Tht'as the best answer of all time! JMHO
Teeraphon 16.02.2014 в 02:59
Knocked my socks off with knogledwe!
Amaru 16.02.2014 в 03:00
This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any arlcites on rehab?
Arif 16.02.2014 в 03:02
That's really thnnkiig at a high level
Eillas 16.02.2014 в 03:02
AKAIK yo'vue got the answer in one!
Manizheh 16.02.2014 в 03:02
That really catrepus the spirit of it. Thanks for posting.
Blaster 16.02.2014 в 03:02
That inhtsgi's just what I've been looking for. Thanks!
Takanori 16.02.2014 в 03:03
Great thngikni! That really breaks the mold!
Nada 16.02.2014 в 03:03
You really saved my skin with this inrotmafion. Thanks!
Dumbo 16.02.2014 в 03:03
Your answer lifts the ingnelitlece of the debate.
Denny 16.02.2014 в 03:04
Lot of smarts in that poinstg!
Nick 16.02.2014 в 03:06
It's a real pleausre to find someone who can think like that
Rildo 16.02.2014 в 03:06
Thanky Thanky for all this good inmfnoatior!
Andres 16.02.2014 в 03:06
That's a smart answer to a diiffcult question.
Marlon 16.02.2014 в 03:06
I came, I read this article, I coqueernd.
Juan 16.02.2014 в 03:07
I'm so glad that the inrneett allows free info like this!
Augusto 16.02.2014 в 03:08
Help, I've been informed and I can't become ignonart.
Clara 16.02.2014 в 03:08
Holy shzitin, this is so cool thank you.
Basavaraj 16.02.2014 в 03:08
Your cranium must be prttoceing some very valuable brains.
Aigerim 16.02.2014 в 03:09
Yeah, that's the tiectk, sir or ma'am
Janelle 16.02.2014 в 03:10
What a joy to find sooneme else who thinks this way.
Mark 16.02.2014 в 03:10
This is what we need - an insight to make evoeryne think
Diana 16.02.2014 в 03:10
Hey, good to find somonee who agrees with me. GMTA.
Melike 16.02.2014 в 03:10
You got to push it-this esnastiel info that is!
Marie 16.02.2014 в 03:11
In awe of that anwser! Really cool!
Alfonso 16.02.2014 в 03:11
People nollmray pay me for this and you are giving it away!
Chayma 16.02.2014 в 03:11
Your's is a point of view where real ineltligence shines through.
Anna 16.02.2014 в 03:11
Pin my tail and call me a dokyen, that really helped.
Ajeeb 16.02.2014 в 03:11
Thniknig like that shows an expert's touch

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