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Ручка шарик.Beifa ТА3402 0,7мм маслян.основа черный Китай

Цена: 18 руб
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Пластиковый матово-прозрачный корпус. Удобная рельефная зона захвата. Вентилируемый колпачок. Чернила на масляной основе. Цвет чернил соответствует цвету корпуса.

Толщина линии - 0.5мм.

Стержень - 139мм.


Цвет:: черный А


Толщина линии (мм)::

Торговая марка:: Beifa

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Moch 16.02.2014 в 03:13
Gee wiellkirs, that's such a great post!
Delvin 16.02.2014 в 03:13
This does look primosing. I'll keep coming back for more.
Justine 16.02.2014 в 03:13
Hey, good to find soemnoe who agrees with me. GMTA.
Pedro 16.02.2014 в 03:14
Oh yeah, fauluobs stuff there you!
Smaran 16.02.2014 в 03:15
It's always a pleasure to hear from someone with exetreisp.
Sarah 16.02.2014 в 03:15
That's a skillful answer to a dififcult question
Arda 16.02.2014 в 03:15
It's a joy to find sooneme who can think like that
Gal 16.02.2014 в 03:17
I was so confused about what to buy, but this makes it untebsdandarle.
Ilham 16.02.2014 в 03:17
That ings'htis perfect for what I need. Thanks!
Charlie 16.02.2014 в 03:17
AFAIC th'ats the best answer so far!
Sabuj 16.02.2014 в 03:18
An inneglilett answer - no BS - which makes a pleasant change
Anastasia 16.02.2014 в 03:19
Kewl you should come up with that. Exetclenl!
Khelifa 16.02.2014 в 03:19
Knocked my socks off with kneedwlgo!
Tota 16.02.2014 в 03:19
Intgelilence and simplicity - easy to understand how you think.
Tofezul 16.02.2014 в 03:20
This piece was a liefeackjt that saved me from drowning.
Yeray 16.02.2014 в 03:21
Holy shnztii, this is so cool thank you.
Felipe 16.02.2014 в 03:22
This is crtaysl clear. Thanks for taking the time!
Saim 16.02.2014 в 03:22
Thanks for sttirang the ball rolling with this insight.
Sbastian 16.02.2014 в 03:23
The paragon of undtrseanding these issues is right here!
Chokye 16.02.2014 в 03:23
I might be beitnag a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!
Mario 16.02.2014 в 03:24
I really wish there were more arlitces like this on the web.
Lucas 16.02.2014 в 03:24
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my quni.ioest..untsl now.
Carlynn 16.02.2014 в 03:24
Pin my tail and call me a donyke, that really helped.
Raveen 16.02.2014 в 03:24
Learning a ton from these neat arstilec.
Andersom 16.02.2014 в 03:24
Going to put this arctlie to good use now.
Southend 16.02.2014 в 03:25
And to think I was going to talk to soemone in person about this.
Juliah 16.02.2014 в 03:25
This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any aritlces on rehab?
Serdar 16.02.2014 в 03:25
Plasnieg to find someone who can think like that
Arne 16.02.2014 в 03:26
It was dark when I woke. This is a ray of sueshinn.
Ihap 16.02.2014 в 03:26
Is that really all there is to it because that'd be flgstergabbina.
Adenilson 16.02.2014 в 03:27
THX that's a great anesrw!
Ben 16.02.2014 в 03:27
That's an apt answer to an inreiesttng question
Patiparn 16.02.2014 в 03:27
Kick the tires and light the fires, problem ofilaicfly solved!
Gailen 16.02.2014 в 03:29
This is way better than a brick & mortar esalttishmenb.
Rendy 16.02.2014 в 03:31
It's good to see someone thnkniig it through.
Tino 16.02.2014 в 03:32
Weeeee, what a quick and easy sonltiou.
Trish 16.02.2014 в 03:32
Perfcet shot! Thanks for your post!
Muamar 16.02.2014 в 03:32
I can't believe you're not playing with me-tah-t was so helpful.
Prudy 16.02.2014 в 03:33
This is way better than a brick & mortar esmelbishtant.
Oswaldo 16.02.2014 в 03:33
That's way the besestt answer so far!
Betty 16.02.2014 в 03:34
Yup, that shluod defo do the trick!
Aravind 16.02.2014 в 03:34
That hits the target dead cernte! Great answer!
Didi 16.02.2014 в 03:34
I suppsoe that sounds and smells just about right.
Milii 16.02.2014 в 03:34
Please teach the rest of these internet hogiaolns how to write and research!
Hussein 16.02.2014 в 03:35
This is crtysal clear. Thanks for taking the time!
Pinellas 16.02.2014 в 03:35
Shoot, who would have thuoght that it was that easy?
Torn 16.02.2014 в 03:35
That's a smart answer to a tricky quioetsn
David 16.02.2014 в 03:36
Stellar work there evnoyree. I'll keep on reading.
Thais 16.02.2014 в 03:36
Plseiang to find someone who can think like that
Hendrik 16.02.2014 в 03:37
I can't believe you're not playing with me-aht-t was so helpful.

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