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Ручка шарик.Beifa ТА3402 0,7мм маслян.основа черный Китай

Цена: 18 руб
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Пластиковый матово-прозрачный корпус. Удобная рельефная зона захвата. Вентилируемый колпачок. Чернила на масляной основе. Цвет чернил соответствует цвету корпуса.

Толщина линии - 0.5мм.

Стержень - 139мм.


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Торговая марка:: Beifa

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Brandon 16.02.2014 в 11:42
That takes us up to the next level. Great pogtnis.
Lucas 16.02.2014 в 11:42
Grazi for mankig it nice and EZ.
Anthony 16.02.2014 в 11:43
What litarebing knowledge. Give me liberty or give me death.
Lesli 16.02.2014 в 11:43
Me dull. You smart. That's just what I needde.
Vangelyn 16.02.2014 в 11:44
It's a joy to find soenmoe who can think like that
Rosemary 16.02.2014 в 11:44
This artlice went ahead and made my day.
Julia 16.02.2014 в 11:44
This info is the cat's paamjas!
Yaya 16.02.2014 в 11:44
Just do me a favor and keep writing such trnchnaet analyses, OK?
Celina 16.02.2014 в 11:44
All of my questions se-teldtthanks!
PaOla 16.02.2014 в 11:44
If you want to get read, this is how you shuold write.
Spicher 16.02.2014 в 11:44
An answer from an expert! Thanks for cotniibunrtg.
Michael 16.02.2014 в 11:45
Of the panoply of website I've pored over this has the most vecatiry.
Sport 16.02.2014 в 11:45
Your post captures the issue perytcelf!
Mohd 16.02.2014 в 11:45
There's a terrific amount of knwoeldge in this article!
Jemish 16.02.2014 в 11:46
You've hit the ball out the park! Iniebdcelr!
Simony 16.02.2014 в 11:46
Hey, good to find soeomne who agrees with me. GMTA.
Darius 16.02.2014 в 11:47
This arltcie is a home run, pure and simple!
Stanley 16.02.2014 в 11:47
You're a real deep thernik. Thanks for sharing.
Ayumi 16.02.2014 в 11:47
I'm imsesperd you should think of something like that
Joakim 16.02.2014 в 11:48
Wow! Talk about a posting knkcniog my socks off!
Iswan 16.02.2014 в 11:48
That's a smart answer to a dicffiult question.
Saranie 16.02.2014 в 11:48
Keep on writing and chungigg away!
Kuga 16.02.2014 в 11:48
I see, I suppsoe that would have to be the case.
Zain 16.02.2014 в 11:48
Last one to utzilie this is a rotten egg!
Abtoldos 16.02.2014 в 11:48
That's really thinking at an imrspseive level
Anabelle 16.02.2014 в 11:48
Dude, right on there brrehto.
Pravin 16.02.2014 в 11:49
This is an arlicte that makes you think "never thought of that!"
Mourad 16.02.2014 в 11:49
Thanks alot - your answer solved all my problems after several days stgugrling
Juliana 16.02.2014 в 11:49
Dag nabbit good stuff you whsepersnapppri!
Burak 16.02.2014 в 11:49
Kick the tires and light the fires, problem ofllicaify solved!
Felix 16.02.2014 в 11:50
All things codrniesed, this is a first class post
Mmalik 16.02.2014 в 11:50
Finndig this post has solved my problem
Aldi 16.02.2014 в 11:50
Great arletci, thank you again for writing.
Lekhan 16.02.2014 в 11:50
Reading this makes my decnisois easier than taking candy from a baby.
Azareth 16.02.2014 в 11:51
I had no idea how to approach this benofe-row I'm locked and loaded.
Wirat 16.02.2014 в 11:51
That's really thinikng at a high level
Ayoub 16.02.2014 в 11:51
Your poisntg lays bare the truth
Kamylla 16.02.2014 в 11:51
Perceft answer! That really gets to the heart of it!
Munmun 16.02.2014 в 11:51
Alihrgt alright alright that's exactly what I needed!
Santosh 16.02.2014 в 11:51
I never thought I would find such an everyday topic so enrgatllinh!
Tim 16.02.2014 в 11:51
We've arevrid at the end of the line and I have what I need!
Surbhi 16.02.2014 в 11:52
Created the greatest arslciet, you have.
Prakash 16.02.2014 в 11:52
Your answer shows real inleetiglnce.
Elaine 16.02.2014 в 11:52
That's an apt answer to an intnsertieg question
Michael 16.02.2014 в 11:53
Full of salient points. Don't stop beniivelg or writing!
Daniela 16.02.2014 в 11:53
I had no idea how to approach this bereno-fow I'm locked and loaded.
Bahrul 16.02.2014 в 11:54
Thanky Thanky for all this good inimroatfon!
Beata 16.02.2014 в 11:54
Thanks for writing such an eats-to-undersyand article on this topic.
Virginia 16.02.2014 в 11:54
Wow! Talk about a posting knickong my socks off!
Jacki 16.02.2014 в 11:55
I cannot tell a lie, that really hepedl.

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